FARMING FIGURES | Code vita 2018

Problem Description

You are given N sticks of varying lengths. You need to determine whether it is possible to form a polygon of positive area by arranging them in some order. For example, if three sticks of lengths 1, 1, 1 are given we can easily see that we can form a triangle by arranging them in order. On the other hand, if the sticks have lengths 1, 2, 1, then we cannot form a polygon of non-zero area with these.


1 <= N <= 100
Length of any stick will be less than 100

Input Format

The first line contains an integer N indicating number of sticks
The next line contains N space separated positive integers giving the lengths of the sticks

Output Format

One line containing the number of sides of the polygon of most sides (of at least 3 sides) that can be formed with some of the sticks. If no polygon can be formed, the output should be 0.


Example 1


1 1 1




N=3, and there are 3 sticks, each of length 1. With three sticks of length 1, we can form a triangle

Example 2


1 2 3 6




We cannot form a 4 sided polygon using all four sticks. Similarly, a triangle cannot be formed with any three sticks. Since no polygon can be formed, the result is 0.

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